2011년 2월 15일 화요일

50 Things That People Should Know About ME

1. My favorite time of the day is early morning. There is a special scent in the air that I can't quite put my finger on.

2. I have a dog-a white maltese mutt that I 'rescued'. She's absolutely brilliant, like me:) I love her to pieces.

3. I have a younger sister who is my polar opposite. People are surprised when they find out that we're related!

4.  I ADORE Lady Gaga and Bjork- anyone CRAZY!

5.  I can't digest spicy food-that means no Kimchi!

6.  I would like to adopt from Africa someday. Having biological children never appealed to me for some reason!

7.  I am absolutely addicted to flavored lipbalm. I have a huge collection.
 Lipsmackers anyone??:)My favorite flavor is Cherry Cola.

8.  I hate people who ask personal questions and don't respect personal boundaries.

9.  I read everything and anything, from People and Vogue to the New York Times.

10. I LOVE period dramas-Tudors, Rome, Brideshead Revisited, Downton Abbey.....

11. I tend to get along better with older people-maybe because people always think I'm much more older than I really am!

12. I am a steak lover. I like it RAW.

13. I have always loved Baroque music. 

14. I have a craving for salt.

15.  I used to be a child fashion model. And HATED it because I'd have to sit still for hours on end.

16. I swing from one extreme to the next. I confuse people. As a result, different people have VERY different opinions about me. As a result, very few people know the real me.

17. Sunsets are depressing. I try my best to avoid watching them.

18. I would like to be cremated after I die. I like the idea of my ashes being scattered in the wind.

19. I want to travel the world someday-my dad always says that I have restless eyes, eyes full of wanderlust.
20. I play the piano and the violin(and I'm pretty good), but I refuse to do so in front of anyone I don't really know. It just seems such a ....private thing to do for some reason. 

21. I try my best to avoid stereotyping people. Because I know first hand how much stereotypes often miss their mark.

22. Writing is a great outlet for me. It helps me clear my head,

23. I am attracted to anything beautiful-sounds, scents, surroundings, moments, people,..

24. I hate following routines. They make me feel dead inside.

25. I am actually an avid blogger. I refuse to disclose my real blog because it's well.....SHOCKING!

26. My favorite colors are black and white.

27. I once had a hamster in a box delivered to me as a Valentine's Day present. I was NOT amused-animal cruelty.

28. I would love to live in a seaside cottage someday.

29. I know all the lines to The Phantom of the Opera.Huge fan of Sarah Brightman.

30. I have 'tunnel vision'-the ability to focus on one thing and tune out all the others. 

31. My favorite writers are Amelie Nothomb, Ayn Rand, Evelyn Waugh, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Murakami Haruki, Milan Kundera and J. K Rowling.

32. I used to be able to speak Ukrainian because my best fried in third grade spoke only Ukranian-the language barrier obviously wasn't a problem for us:) I have totally forgotten everything now, unfortunately......

33. I would like to publish a book-anonymously, of course.

34. My ultimate goal in life is to be happy.

35. I plan to take a gap year after graduating from high school.

36. I have a mild case of claustrophobia. I hate the feeling of being caged in.

37. My old friends often tell me that they don't recognize me anymore-I've morphed into an entirely different person,apparently....

38. I love thrill rides.

39. I enjoy listening to foreign languages that sound melodious.

40. I have a cleft chin that I inherited from my dad. Everyone tells me that I'm a carbon copy of him, although I like to deny this to irritate my dad:)

41. My favorite jelly bean flavor is Lemonlime. Now you all know what to bribe me with!

42. I sometimes just shut down.

43. My favorite scent used to be Lolita Lempicka, although I have grown to hate the scent because of painful memories associated with it. 

44. I am planning to go bungee jumping.

45. My favorite flowers are roses-but I only like the red and white ones.

46. People have always told me that I'm exotic, which is a comment that has never failed to baffle me despite hearing it countless times.

47. I drool over men in uniforms, even the ugly ones. I don't really know why though.

48. I put one hand under my pillow before I go to sleep. The pressure comforts me.

49. I can be very reckless.

50. If you are reading this, then you really must love me. I love you all for coming this far!